About me

The mountain is in the background

I am Dru Brooke-Taylor and am an Ordained Local Minister (OLM) at Holy Trinity Church, Hotwells, and St Stephen’s Church, Bristol. Their websites are

http://www.holytrinityhotwells.org     and

More fully, that is Holy Trinity with St Andrew the Less and St Peter Clifton, Bristol and St Stephen with St James and St John the Baptist with St Michael Bristol and St George Bristol, but two of these physically no longer exist and one of the others is now a concert venue.

I am a retired solicitor from local government and have only trained to be ordained since I retired. I was, though, before that a Reader, now called a Licensed Lay Minister.

As you can probably guess by the existence of this site, I love psalms.

As a piece of testimony, a few years ago, it was my task to prepare and lead several of the half hour sections in a full three hour Good Friday. At that time I was only beginning to assemble the material in this collection. However, I arranged for the congregation at different stages of the service to sing blocks of verses from Psalm 22, to the tune St Anne, now used for O God our help in ages past. I had not realised how the simple words sung to such a spare tune would send shivers up my spine and make my hair stand on end.

If you want to email me about anything to do with this site, please write to me at psalmsandpsimilar@gmail.com .

There’s also now a Facebook page here